Get an extra dose of energy with these 6 foods

Get an extra dose of energy with these 6 foods

With good temperatures we tend to increase our physical activity. It is time to choose foods that hydrate us and also provide a good amount of energy.

Get an extra dose of energy with these 6 foods

All foods provide energy in one way or another, but we are especially interested in foods rich in unrefined carbohydrates, such as fruits, whole grains and pseudo-cereals, and legumes, which are also rich in protein, which help you develop and regenerate the muscles after physical activity.

Nuts are essential for athletes due to their excellent combination of protein, unsaturated fats, antioxidant compounds, E and B vitamins, and vitamins. 


Reinforce yourself with green beans

  • It is one of the most complete vegetables from a nutritional point of view and, therefore, one of the most energetic. A generous serving of 200 g of cooked green beans provides 70 calories, 4 g of protein and 7 g of fiber.
  • It favors the intestinal transit and the good state of the microbiota. 
  • In addition, green beans provide 32% of the vitamin C required per day, 28% of vitamin A and the antioxidant manganese, 16% of folic acid and 10% of vitamins B1 and B2 and magnesium.
  • Quercetin, catechins and other substances that deactivate harmful free radicals are also found in beans, which you can prepare in stews, sautéed or baked with béchamel.

Red quinoa regenerates you

  • Proteins are essential for our feeling of energy. A daily supply of sufficient amino acids is necessary for the continuous regeneration of muscles, bones and the rest of the body tissues. The percentage of protein in quinoa is 12% of the dry weight and it is of excellent quality, as it contains all the essential amino acids in adequate proportions for better assimilation.
  • Royal or red quinoa has a more intense flavor than white and a crunchier texture. It is an excellent base for a vegetable paella or to add flavor and color to salads.
  • A serving of 250 g of cooked quinoa provides you with 8 g of protein, 5 g of fiber, and 30% of the daily needs for magnesium, 20% for iron and 10% for selenium.

Do not miss the lentils

  • If you are defeated, a good plate of Castilian blond lentils will get you going   again.   
  • A 200 g serving offers you 235 calories, 18 g of protein, 90% of the folic acid, 37% of the iron and 22% of the vitamin B1 you need, among other nutrients. Iron will help you especially to overcome the fatigue caused by the deficiency of this mineral.

Nectarines against fatigue

  • A medium nectarine weighing 150 g provides 66 calories along with a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is ideal to eat before exercising or to recover afterwards.
  • Its antioxidant compounds – such as beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, lycopene or lutein – reduce fatigue and muscle damage associated with the action of free radicals. 
  • By providing potassium, nectarine is a good snack also to replenish the deposits of this mineral during exercise. It also hydrates us with its abundant water and, thanks to magnesium, it later helps prevent muscle cramps.  
  • Store them in the fridge because they dehydrate outside and the pulp becomes mealy and pasty.

Keep it up with apricot

  • With spring come juicy apricots, loaded with vitamin A in the form of antioxidant beta-carotene and minerals. Its composition is ideal to prepare before a physical effort or to recover from it.
  • About 150 g provide 74 calories of pure energy, 60% of the necessary vitamin A per day and 4-5% of each of the B vitamins, which help transform nutrients into energy.
  • If you take them during exercise, they will help you hydrate and recover salts and glucose.

Feel more vital with pistachios

  • The fatty acids in pistachio give you a large dose of energy and promote the good condition of the cells. They constitute 44% of its weight and are mostly the beneficial monounsaturated ones, such as those of olive oil.   
  • Fiber and protein are also in abundance in pistachios. The fiber makes the energy release long-lasting. Protein promotes good recovery after exercise.
  • Group B vitamins are essential for the transformation of nutrients into energy. Pistachios abound in B6 and B2.


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