What to eat before and after doing yoga?

What to eat before and after doing yoga

There are many theories about food intake before and after yoga. The truth is that within the recommended diet for those who practice yoga, it is specified that we have a well-nourished body to be able to perform the asana correctly but that, at the same time, we are not too bloated or have made a large lunch.

What to eat before and after doing yoga

In this article, we are going to analyze what to eat before and after doing yoga so that you can satisfy your appetite and, at the same time, take care of yourself completely.

This is what you should eat before doing yoga

If you are going to do yoga, you have to know that, although it is recommended that you go with a satiated stomach, it is also important that at least 2 hours have passed since the meal, so you will be light and you will be able to do the movements perfectly.

In addition to this, it is also important that, before your first yoga class, you have your body properly hydrated so that your muscles and joints move with the necessary elasticity for the practice of this exercise.

That said, whether you want to do yoga to lose weight or to tone up, now we are going to discover some of the best foods to eat before doing yoga that will help you to be full of energy and vitality:

  • Nuts : they provide us with protein and a great source of energy, so they are perfect to eat before playing sports
  • Carbohydrates: it is interesting that you enjoy a meal in which carbohydrates are present. They can be fruits, cereals, rice, bread, etcetera; in this way, you will have enough energy to perform the exercises
  • Fruits: within the simple carbohydrates we highlight fruits as a recommended food before yoga class. Among them, avocado is a great option because it is a food rich in healthy fats that will help us to do the most popular yoga asana correctly.

On the other hand, you should avoid eating acidic foods as they can cause heartburn; you should also not eat greasy foods because they are slower to digest and can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable during the session.

And these are foods that you can eat after doing yoga

After a yoga session, our body has been concentrated and active, in addition to losing mineral salts due to sweat. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you drink two glasses of water after yoga training and, if you want, you can add a little coconut water or lemon drops to replenish your mineral salts.

But, in addition to replenishing fluids, it is important that within your yoga diet you take foods that will help you regain your balance and replenish your energy reserves. The best foods you can eat after doing yoga are as follows:

  • Easily digestible fruits: watermelon, pear, banana, etc.
  • Vegetables or vegetables: they will help you hydrate your body and satisfy your appetite.
  • Skimmed yogurts: they are rich in protein and very satisfying.
  • Carbohydrates: they are perfect to restore lost energy although, if it is at night, it is better to avoid these foods because they are too caloric for the last hour of the day.
  • Nuts: they provide both protein and carbohydrates, in addition to satiating your appetite.
  • Proteins: they will help you repair your muscles after intense exercise.

If it is not yet time for lunch or dinner, a highly recommended option to lose weight quickly by doing yoga and toning the muscles is to prepare a seasonal fruit smoothie and, if you want, add chia seeds (or whatever another type of seed) that will help you satisfy your appetite more.

More eating tips for doing yoga

Now that you know what to eat before and after doing yoga, it is interesting that we also take into account a series of tips that will help us to eat a balanced diet fully in line with our passion for yoga:

  • Neither satiated nor empty: it is important that in order to perform well in your class you do not arrive with a full but not empty stomach. In the event that you do yoga first thing in the morning it is always recommended that, at least 30 minutes before, you have ingested a yogurt, a fruit or a smoothie to provide us with nutrients and energy.
  • Light food: also, if you do not have too much time between lunch and yoga class, it is best that you choose to have a light lunch and, later, at snack, have a good portion of food with the foods that we have detailed, like this, you will do the class well and take care of yourself at the same time.
  • Drink water during class: it is also recommended that you take care of your hydration and that during class you replenish fluids by drinking water. Do not overdo it because it could give you flatus but it is important that you take small sips so you do not get dehydrated at any time.


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