What they have never told you about the hypo caloric diet for athletes

What they have never told you about the hypocaloric diet for athletes

A hypo caloric diet is one that is based on eating fewer calories than are consumed. It is normal to use them when the objective is to eliminate excess weight by reducing accumulated fat, but… Is it the most suitable for someone who regularly practices intense physical activity? Here are all the keys to the hypo caloric diet for athletes.

What they have never told you about the hypocaloric diet for athletes

It is a matter of counting calories. In a diet of this type, the energy intake received through food is less than what our body requires to carry out its daily activity, sports included. If you do not find enough energy in the food you eat, you will turn to fat stores to obtain it and the weight loss will be evident after a few weeks of calorie reduction.

Tips for following a low calorie diet if you are an athlete

It is important to make clear that a hypo caloric diet for athletes must be supervised by a nutritionist to avoid deficiencies and nutritional imbalances that it can cause. It must always be a personalized plan, which takes into account individual variables such as body mass or basal metabolism of each athlete. In addition, it will also be necessary to take into account the type of training that is carried out, its intensity and the caloric expenditure involved in each case.

We know that a correct diet is essential to stay healthy but it is also essential to guarantee optimal sports performance. A low-calorie diet must be limited in time, never indefinitely.  In the case of athletes, it is normal to resort to it at specific times and always for short periods, for example, after a vacation or when it is necessary to lose a few kilos to improve our physical form.

What is the hypo caloric diet for athletes based on?

The formula to start a low calorie diet if you are an athlete is clear. Burning more calories than food provides, the diet is effective in reducing accumulated fat and losing weight in a short time, but how to do it to combine diet and exercise to lose weight? What are the key points of the hypo caloric diet for a person who exercises frequently?

  1. Eliminating calories does not imply in any case subtracting essential macro and micronutrients, so the diet should be as varied as possible by reducing non-ingredient amounts.
  2. Logically, foods with a lower caloric content should predominate : fruits, vegetables, vegetables, lean meats, skimmed dairy products, fish …
  3. The total calories should be divided into five meals a day.
  4. The hypo caloric diet for athletes focuses especially on the reduction of carbohydrates but not on their total suppression. Physical exercise requires energy and this is obtained from foods rich in carbohydrates. Slowly absorbed, compound carbohydrates should predominate to provide the athlete with energy progressively, thus avoiding possible hypoglycemia (sudden drop in blood glucose). Rice, pasta, and breakfast cereals such as oatmeal or quinoa … They should not be missing, although always in moderate quantities.
  5. It is advisable to eat the most important meals of the day at least two hours before a workout and, after the effort, you have to replenish energy with a light snack. Do not forget to consult what you can eat before and after training to lose weight with your nutritionist.
  6. Foods high in protein are essential: fish and lean meats cooked with minimal fat (grilled or steamed) must be present in the different menus.
  7. For dressings, always opt for virgin olive oil (no more than two tablespoons a day). Despite the fact that it is a hypo caloric diet, fats must also be present, especially essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6 that are contained in fish and certain nuts.
  8. The intake of water, between a liter and a half and two liters a day, is important to maintain proper hydration and to contribute to the elimination of fats and toxins.

Remember that for the hypo caloric diet for athletes to  work and be safe, it is important to carry out a preliminary study that determines the calories you eat regularly and those you spend daily to be able to determine, thus, how many to eliminate to achieve the desired goal.


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