What fruits to eat before and after training?

What fruits to eat before and after training

The fruits are excellent allies of any sporting activity, but according to their properties and, above all, its glycemic index can refine your intake before or after training. They will help you obtain the energy you need and also promote muscle recovery after physical activity. Find out which fruits are the most convenient before and after training below.

What fruits to eat before and after training

The benefits of fruits for sports

The essential fruits in the set of a balanced diet for anyone and if you also practice intense physical activity, they should be one of your staple foods. Most fruits have a high water content, essential for proper hydration of the body. In addition, they are one of the main sources from which to obtain vitamins and minerals essential for life and for sports.

Recommending certain fruits before or after exercising will depend mainly on their sugar content (fructose) and their glycemic index (GI), which determines the time it takes for these carbohydrates to be absorbed by the body, increasing the blood glucose levels. It is true that any fruit can vary its glycemic response depending on what foods it is mixed with.

Always taking into account the physical characteristics of each person and the type of training they carry out, as a general rule, the most recommended fruits for before exercise are those with a low or medium GI, reserving those with a high GI for later.

The explanation is simple. If we want our body to “pull” its accumulated fat reserves, it is not a good idea to take a food that provides extra energy immediately, because it would resort to it and we would reduce effectiveness. On the other hand, after a physical effort, that extra sugar can help a better recovery and the reestablishment of adequate glucose levels, which will have decreased during exercise.

The best fruits for before and after exercising

Taking a piece of “light” fruit about 15 or 20 minutes before starting your session can come in handy as part of a proper diet . In fact, the most energetic fruits for athletes and the most recommended for before or after training are:

  • Red fruits. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries … They are always advisable for their multiple benefits. Its antioxidants stop the effects of free radicals and its vitamins and phytonutrients are perfect to nourish you during exercise with a minimal caloric intake.
  • Apple. Hydrates, provides a feeling of satiety, does not make you fat and contains among other elements: soluble fiber (pectin) that helps eliminate toxins, malic acid, which contributes to the good digestion of fats and flavonoid to take care of the cardiovascular system … simply perfect for before to train.
  • Pear. The glycemic index of a juicy pear is very low, 30 – 35 (depending on the variety) and taking it as a pre-exercise snack means ingesting a good dose of water along with minerals as important in sport as potassium, sodium or zinc. Therefore, it is one of the best snacks to have before training at home or in the gym.
  • After training, to regain strength and replace fluids and electrolytes lost due to sweating from exercise, the best fruits, those that contribute to optimal recovery, are:
  • Watermelon. It is one of the fruits with a higher GI (70), so it is always preferable to take it after training. Super refreshing, it is ideal to replenish liquids and minerals.
  • Banana. It is another excellent ally for muscle recovery. Very versatile both before training and after training, especially due to its high sugar content, it is perfect for restoring “spent” glucose and returning energy almost immediately. We must not forget its effectiveness when it comes to rebalancing the minerals our body needs, especially taking into account the amount of potassium it can provide.
  • Mango. Tropical fruits such as mango have high GIs and therefore should be reserved for after workouts. Magnesium, calcium and sodium are some of the minerals included in its composition, in which the high percentage of fiber should also be noted. Sweet and pleasant, after an effort, it feels great and is one of the foods to speed up metabolism and improve performance.

If you do sports, remember that plant-based foods should be a key part of your diet. Taking into account their properties and glycemic indexes, choose the most suitable fruits for before and after your training.


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