We debunk the most common and repetitive gym myths

We debunk the most common and repetitive gym myths

Some are truly surprising and others, based on hearing them, have become immutable principles that have no scientific basis but of which we have become absolutely convinced. We review the most common gym myths to find out what they really have.

We debunk the most common and repetitive gym myths

Surely you have heard them more than once when starting in the gym, while training or at the end of the session. Sweating is good, drinking water is bad, and if you do not take a protein shake after exertion it is as if you had not trained … It is true that each person has their own constitution and there are certain practices or customs that are good for them, but from there to establish mandatory dogmas, there is a distance.

There are many misconceptions that, repeated over and over again, end up becoming supposed truths. If you have any questions about your training or the diet that is best for you, always consult a professional, because not always everything you hear is true.

8 false gym myths that you have probably ever heard

In addition to taking into account the mistakes you should not make on your first day at the gym , these are some of the most repeated statements in the gym  that are not entirely (or not at all) true:

1. “When you sweat you are losing weight”

Absolutely. When exercising, the body temperature rises and our body reacts by eliminating fluids to achieve better “cooling”. Sweat is only water and mineral salts, it is not a symptom of burning fat. You will lose weight based on the exercise performed and not on what you have been able to sweat.

2. “It is not good to drink water while you exercise”

Some say that this practice can even cause flatus, something that is not true. Good hydration is essential in sport. You should drink liquids before, during and after training, although it is true that in full effort it is not good to drink a liter of water at once. You have to drink liquids in small amounts.

3. “Burn localized fat”

It is one of the most common and repeated gym myths. It would be wonderful to be able to burn just the fact that interests us, for example, from the inner thighs, the abdomen or the hips, but this is not possible. When we exercise, body fat decreases in a general and proportionate way (you lose where it accumulates most, simply because there is more, but in the rest of your body, too).

4. “Abs, the best to eliminate belly”

Of course it is an exercise that contributes to the dreamed flat stomach, but the abdominals strengthen the muscles in the area, they do not eliminate the fat that can cover those muscles. If you want to start doing sit-ups from scratch and get a strong abdomen, you will first have to get rid, with aerobic exercises, of the adipose tissue that makes you “not even guess”.

5. “If you have a back ailment you can’t train with weights”

This is not an absolute truth, what happens is that if there is any ailment or lumbar or cervical injury, you have to consult with the trainer about the exercises that are suitable and those that are not.

6. “You always have to stretch”

The stretches are essential to warm up the muscles and to facilitate optimal recovery but we must make timely and convenient manner. A stretch that is too rough, with the muscle cold, or if the muscle is sore after strength training, could damage the muscle fibers.

7. “Protein shakes are essential”

The energy shakes have as many defenders as detractors and, in reality, they are neither as extraordinary as some claim, nor harmful as others believe. They can come in handy as an extra for our muscles, but no matter how much you take, if you don’t train hard, the muscles won’t grow on their own.

8. “If you do not advance you need more hours of training”

It is not always a matter of time. Each person has their own rhythm and may need a change in their exercise routine and no more hours in the gym.

As you can see, there are many gym myths that we should review to avoid making common mistakes based on assumptions or solely on individual experiences.


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