The back, especially the lower back, is one of the areas that accumulates the most tension after a hard workout. Eliminating it with gentle stretching is essential to avoid possible injuries. With these exercises to relax your back after training, you will protect the muscles in the area preventing discomfort, pulling and painful contractures.

From the neck and cervical to the lower back and lumbar … the trunk, back included, is the axis of our body. Balance and correct body posture depend on it. Taking care of your back after exercise is one of the keys to feeling good after training and recovering after intense training. Specific stretches, based on slow movements, make the muscles relax progressively without causing the dreaded stiffness. If you train and finish in such a way that you can hardly stand upright, you are doing something wrong.
The exercises to relax your back after training are very simple. They should never be painful and will only take a few minutes to do. These are unloading exercises, designed to eliminate the tension accumulated during the effort and are recommended regardless of the physical activity you do.
The best stretches to protect your back after training
Relaxing your back or unloading your legs after training helps to release tension little by little to avoid stiffness, favoring circulation and oxygenation of the entire area. That is the objective pursued by these exercises, perfect for taking care of your back and ensuring that in the next session you are in excellent physical shape.
1. Bend of the knees
Lie on your back on a mat. The secret of this exercise is the correct initial posture. Your back must be fully supported on the floor, avoiding any curvature, especially in the lumbar area. Well supported, without exerting pressure, bend one leg and hold the knee with both hands. The other leg should remain straight. We insist, when doing the movement, do not take off the hips and lumbar. Hold the posture for a few seconds and repeat changing legs. Finish the exercise holding both knees at the same time. Keep them together and direct them towards the chest, always without forcing and without separating the back from the mat.
2. The cat
It is the most complete yoga posture to relax the back at the end of the training. On a mat, with your knees and palms supported (“four legs”), gently bend your back seeking the concave position, that is, lower your hips and raise your head. Next, do the opposite movement, “pull” up your spine, tucking in your hips and directing your chin to your chest. Performs stretching slowly, accompanying you breathing. You will notice how all the muscles in the area are stretched and your vertebrae seem to “reposition themselves”.
3. Oblique and dorsal
On the floor, sit on your heels and flex your torso until your abdomen is on your thighs. Stretch your arms in front of your head without separating them from the ground. Just by maintaining this posture, the muscles of your back will loosen and eliminate the accumulated tension. Stretch your arms to the maximum.
4. Lumbar pressure
This is a simple exercise that gives excellent results in relaxing your back after training and strengthening your lower back to prevent injury. Lie on your back on a mat and support your heels on a chair, knees bent. Relax while applying pressure to keep your lower back firmly attached to the floor.
5. Trapezoids
Release the accumulated tension also in the upper area of your back. Standing straight and relaxed, bring one of your arms behind your back. The front of your hand should be supported at the level of the lumbar and it is about stretching the arm from that position (behind your back), as if you wanted to shake someone’s hand. Do it gently, without forcing, and repeat the exercise with the other arm.
6. Turns
As a complement to the previous exercise, from the same position, stretch your arms forward, at chest level. Hold your hands and start a gentle circular motion (without letting go of your hands). Right, up and left. Repeat to the opposite side.