6 ideal exercises to burn fat in the legs

6 ideal exercises to burn fat in the legs

Nice, firm legs and of course without fat accumulations is the goal to achieve. You have many sports, such as running or cycling, that help you achieve it but also, there are exercises to burn fat in the legs in the fastest and most effective way.

6 ideal exercises to burn fat in the legs

Buttocks, hips and legs, especially inner thighs, even knees, are areas where fat seems to have a predilection to settle. To avoid this, it is important to know how to combine aerobic exercise with strength training so that, by burning calories, the fat disappears and the muscles emerge, ready to work with them and thus achieve a better tone.

You have to understand that when we exercise, our body looks for the energy it needs where it is. Intense aerobic activity will always result in generalized fat burning, although its action will be more evident at those points with the greatest presence of adipose tissue. If you want to eliminate fat in the legs, practice a sport that involves intense cardiovascular work. In this way, you will burn more calories while training, you will “attack” the fats in their entirety and, in addition, your body will continue to “pull” them even after the physical activity is finished. Jump rope, run, go up and down steps (step), ride a bicycle … They are all aerobic exercises that promote fat burning generalized, also in the legs.

The best workout plan to lose thigh fat

Let the muscles that shape your lower body become visible by shedding the fat that covers them. Try to include in your training to lose fat in a month or in a few weeks these specific exercises to eliminate fat in the legs and in a few weeks you will notice the results:

1. Squats. It is essential if what it is about is to burn excess fat in the lower body and define the buttocks and legs. Standing, with your legs separated at the hips and your back straight, lower yourself trying to direct your gluteus backwards, as if you were sitting in an invisible chair. Lower yourself until your knees form a 90º angle, and check that your knees do not obstruct your vision of the balls of your feet. If so, roll your gluten further back. Go up and repeat. If you are in good shape, when ascending, you can complete the exercise with a jump before returning to the starting position.

2. Lunge with straight leg. It is another of the ideal exercises to burn fat in the legs. The basic way to do it is as follows: standing up, bring one leg forward while bending it (until the knee forms a 90º angle) while keeping the other straight. Bounce a few seconds. Repeat the exercise changing legs.

3. Lateral extensions with elastic band. Lying on a mat in a lateral position, with your legs stretched, together and gathered in an elastic band that implies resistance, raise your upper leg as far as you can, keeping it straight. It is an exercise typical of TRX training for legs and works both legs alternating the starting position.

4. Face-down leg raises. Lying in this position, try to lift your legs as high as possible without bending your knees. First one and then the other. They are “reverse earwigs” that work intensely each of the lower muscles and are excellent for burning fat in the legs.

5. Pedaling. Lying on your back, raise your trunk holding your hips with your hands and move your legs as if you were on a bicycle. You will mobilize all the fats in the area by combining strength and resistance in an exercise, also aerobic.

6. Lift plus flex. Lying on the floor in a lateral position, in a single movement, raise the upper leg to the maximum, descend without touching the other leg, bend the knee trying to touch your chest and stretch again. Repeat ten times with one leg to remove fat from the thighs and another ten times with the other. Hard but effective!

As you can see, these are very simple exercises to lose fat in the legs, which you can do in your training at home, always trying to do series that combine high intensity intervals. With a little perseverance, not the slightest trace of fat will remain on your legs.


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