20 simple steps to improve your diet and lose weight

20 simple steps to improve your diet and lose weight

There are many things you can do to improve your diet little by little. It is certainly a better strategy than making a radical change that completely alters your habits.

20 simple steps to improve your diet and lose weight

When you make the determination to lose weight, you tend to believe that you have to radically change everything you eat and that creates anxiety. Many times you don’t know where to start or what changes are going to be most effective. If you want to lose a few pounds to improve your health, take it easy and introduce the changes that produce a real effect, little by little. Remember that real changes in diet do not occur overnight.


This list of tips is your roadmap. Read it carefully and make your own plan. Decide what measures you are going to incorporate into your habits each week. It can be just one or two, there is no rush. This will make it easier for you not to give up in the attempt. The sum of small changes generates great achievements over time. Some measures will seem very simple, but they are still effective and add up to achieve your goal.

  1. Take care of the presentations. We eat a lot with our eyes. Attractive presentations are part of the sensory delight of eating.
  2. Drink more water. Water is the healthy drink par excellence. For this reason, it is the most suitable option to replace the liquid that is lost daily.
  3. Prefers hard textures. Foods and dishes with consistent textures require more chewing and salting and are eaten more slowly.
  4. Put the most favorable foods in the most accessible places. And the ones we want to avoid, as far as possible. Or better yet: not even acquire them.
  5. Plan the menus for the week. It helps you have control over what you eat, prevents sloppiness or improvised improvisations, and helps avoid settling into monotony.
  6. Be careful with the biting. This habit makes it difficult to control the food you eat. It often involves consuming caloric foods that are not basic and does not give respite to the digestive system. If you can’t avoid eating between meals, prepare only healthy meals.
  7. Try new foods and discover flavors. An open attitude enriches our world of experiences and helps our diet to be more varied, a factor that is key to nutritional balance.
  8. Choose products without additives. Sometimes the same product can be found with or without additives, or with a smaller quantity. This is the case of tomato sauces, mayonnaise, sliced ​​bread …
  9. Buy after you’ve eaten. The perception of food changes depending on whether you are hungry or satiated. This can modify the purchase and consumption of food.
  10. Include aromatic plants in your dishes. They can compete with fat and salt when it comes to flavoring foods.
  11. Don’t go hungry. Otherwise, anxiety increases and the risk of both bingeing and dropouts increases. High fiber foods like vegetables help fill your stomach.
  12. Don’t put the nutritional balance at risk. Foods from all basic groups should be eaten daily in adequate amounts and superfluous removed.
  13. Make a plan that is as pleasant and rewarding as possible. It is not about suffering at the table, but about achieving the desired objective with the maximum benefits and the minimum costs.
  14. Do not go long periods without eating. The distribution of the intakes makes it easier to follow the diet. The most indicated is to make three to five daily intakes.
  15. Analyze your diet by weeks rather than by days or by intakes. This is the best way to get a good perspective on our accomplishments. It is enough to lose weight 250 g a week.
  16. Think of it as a process. Many times you have to change deeply ingrained habits, and that is a task that requires perseverance.
  17. Don’t make taboo food lists. The prohibitions, as a rule, can generate useless tensions that lead to abandon the diet.
  18. Individualize the diet as much as possible. Adapting it to one’s reality is a key factor in achieving the desired objective.
  19. Place realistic expectations on the diet. Starting from false expectations increases the chances of failure and frustration. The real reward is getting it right every day.
  20. Stop using food as a resource to fill other gaps. Life has many facets. Having them in the right measure and broadening your perspectives helps to maintain a good balance.


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