Little bad cholesterol (LDL) is bad too

Little bad cholesterol (LDL) is bad too

We are concerned about high cholesterol, however, very low levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Little bad cholesterol (LDL) is bad too

We call LDL (low-density liprotein) cholesterol “bad” because it is the type that can accumulate on the walls of the arteries, causing them to harden and narrow. This favors various health problems, including heart and brain strokes. This makes us worry exclusively that cholesterol levels do not exceed certain figures, however a recent study indicates that too low rates are also a problem.


Keeping LDL levels low (less than 100 mg / dL) is recommended to reduce the risk of heart attack or ischemic stroke, which occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the brain.

  • The normal range for LDL cholesterol in the blood is considered to be 70 to 99 mg / dL.
  • A desirable LDL level is less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL).
  • The level between 139 and 150 mg / dL is considered elevated.
  • mong 160-189 mg / dL is considered high.
  • Levels above 190 mg / dL are classified as very high.


Research conducted at Pennsylvania State University and published in the journal Neurology has determined that extremely low and low LDL levels (below 70 mg / dL) can increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, caused by ruptured a blood vessel in the brain). These represent about 13 percent of all cases.

The study was conducted with data from 96,043 residents of Tangshan, China, none of whom had a history of stroke, heart attack or cancer when they enrolled. Your LDL cholesterol levels were checked when the study began and every two years thereafter for nine years. The results showed that when LDL was lowered to between 50 and 69 mg / dL, the risk of hemorrhagic stroke increased by 65 percent.

For those whose LDL levels fell below 50 mg / dL, the risk increased by 169 percent. LDL levels greater than 100 mg / dL were not significantly associated with a hemorrhagic stroke. The study controlled for age, sex, education, income, diabetes, hypertension, and other variables.


Study leader Professor Xiang GAO said in a press release that people at high risk for hemorrhagic stroke due to family history or risk factors such as high blood pressure and excessive alcohol consumption “may have to take care more LDL cholesterol levels.”

Previous studies had linked LDL cholesterol levels below 40 mg / dL with anxiety, cancer, and preterm birth.

GAO noted that an LDL level of 100 mg / dL has been considered optimal for the general population and that lower levels are recommended for people at high risk for heart disease. He suggested that the new findings can help refine and personalize the recommendations for ideal target cholesterol levels.

This wasn’t the first study to show a link between low LDL levels and hemorrhagic stroke, but the first were smaller and measured cholesterol levels only once.

To maintain adequate cholesterol levels, it is advisable to eat a healthy diet, with an adequate proportion of fats, which can be obtained mainly from olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. The LDL cholesterol necessary for the proper functioning of the body is synthesized by the liver. Even if LDL cholesterol levels are low, it should not be necessary to increase animal foods that contain cholesterol. In any case, it is advisable to consult your doctor if cholesterol levels are below normal.


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