6 foods that will add color and flavor to your table in summer

6 foods that will add color and flavor to your table in summer

In summer the garden is filled with brightly colored foods that reflect the vitality of its nutrients and their ability to promote health.

6 foods that will add color and flavor to your table in summer

The energy of the green banana

The crunchy and tasty slices of the green or male plantain, very popular in African and Latin American cuisine, are often served fried as an aperitif or garnish for a variety of dishes.

Its whitish pulp is somewhat mealy and not very sweet, as it has much more starch than sugars. This nutritionally brings it closer to a tuber than a fruit. It also provides potassium and magnesium. In addition to frying like potato, it can be used to make croquettes or vegetable burgers. 

Anti-anemic sorrel

In spring and summer it is possible to enjoy sorrel, a little-known leafy vegetable whose great wealth in vitamin C and iron invites you to claim it at the table. Its acid taste, even lemony, gives a touch of freshness to salads, soups, purees and tortillas.

Provides abundant fiber (3%) and is considered purifying. It also contains vitamin C and iron: a serving of 50 g provides 40% of the vitamin C needed per day and 10% of the iron. It also has oxalates.

Its consumption is discouraged if it tends to form kidney stones. 

Fiber-rich plums

This juicy fruit is known above all for stimulating intestinal transit. This is due to its fiber (1.7% in fresh plums and 7.1% in dry ones) and other laxative substances such as sorbitol or isatin. But the plum houses many other treasures. 

In addition to minerals such as potassium and magnesium, this fruit provides good amounts of vitamin C, E and B1. Added to its antioxidant vitamins are its phenols, which increase protection against free radicals. 


  1. 1 kg of pitted plums are macerated with 700 g of sugar overnight. Then they are cooked over low heat for 45 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  2. In the last 10 minutes of cooking, add the juice of one lemon. It is kept in hot, sterilized jars that close hermetically.

Zucchini, light and purifying

Although zucchini are marketed throughout the year, it is at this time when the firmer and tastier specimens can be found, as it is their natural season. Its richness in vitamins is best used if eaten raw, for example in salad, or steamed.

A large zucchini (about 250 g) provides 67% of the vitamin C required per day, 36% of folic acid, 16% of provitamin A and good doses of other vitamins of group B. Its abundant potassium (200 mg / 100 g) and a large amount of water (93%), together with the fiber (1.1%), give it a slightly laxative and purifying effect.

Red pepper, a vitamin C mine

With the arrival of the heat, the pepper ripens, a vegetable that should not be missing in summer salads. Red is especially rich in vitamin C: just one (150 g) more than covers your daily needs.

In addition, it provides in abundance the other two antioxidant vitamins – A and E – and vitamins B6 and folic acid. Raw preserves vitamin C better, although it is also delicious when roasted.

Exquisite Paraguayans

This flattened peach is becoming more and more popular in our markets. Not only does its small size make it comfortable to eat, but it also has a whitish pulp so sweet and aromatic that it captivates those who try it. The antioxidant trio par excellence is present in this fruit: vitamins A, C and E, which protect against the degenerative processes typical of aging.

Two pieces (about 200 g) provide 15% of the provitamin A required per day, 30% of the C and 10% of the E. The health of the skin benefits from its richness in carotenes and vitamin B3. Its fiber (1.4%) makes them somewhat laxative, while protecting the intestinal flora.


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