The tips you need to lose weight running

The tips you need to lose weight running

Running is an aerobic activity that involves a significant calorie burn, but the way you practice running, the intensity, the dedication time, the breaks or the combination with other sports, are factors that influence the results you obtain. If you want to lose weight running, check out these practical tips.

The tips you need to lose weight running

If you are determined to start running as an effective method to eliminate the excess kilos , after a few weeks you will feel more agile and lighter and surely. You will see that you start to lose weight. The same does not happen when you practice this activity frequently and continuously. Generally, the reason is that as the body adapts to a specific physical activity, caloric expenditure decreases, so many runners despair seeing that they cannot lose what they want despite their continuous training.

Running helps shed pounds but it doesn’t work miracles, so the first tip is about eating. The success of any diet depends on eating fewer calories than we expend. It is something known but it should be remembered: no matter how much you run, if through food you receive more energy than you use, you will not lose weight, on the contrary. Discover more tips for losing weight by running below.

Everything you need to keep in mind to lose weight with running

If your menus are varied and, above all, balanced, running is an excellent ally to maintain your weight and even to eliminate accumulated fat. To lose weight with running, train with these premises in mind:

1. Run for at least 30 minutes

Aerobic exercises, including running, are true “fat burners”, but they need minimal time to be effective. The body does not resort to fatty deposits until it needs them. Running 15 minutes a day will be great for keeping fit, but if your goal is to lose weight by running, this period of time is totally insufficient. An effective plan? Run 3 times a week for 45 minutes (always taking into account your own physical condition).

2. Change your race pace

If you want to lose kilos while running, the secret is to combine different rhythms so that the body does not get used to a stable situation that requires a uniform caloric expenditure. Vary your stride and speeds. Whether you want to walk or run to lose weight, you can start with a light pace and short steps, continue with a light jog, return to a light pace and finish with a good sprint.

3. In variety is the secret

It is not only about changing the rhythms, it is also about alternating different routes, prolonging or shortening the time of the race or extending the distance, these are alterations that are perfect for “catching our bodies off guard” and demanding extra effort and caloric expenditure.

4. High intensity intervals

Incorporating them into your training is without a doubt the most effective way to lose weight by running. Pushing yourself the most for a short period of time is the ideal formula to burn calories while you run and continue doing it once the activity is finished. The exercise with high intensity intervals raises the basal metabolism and makes continue burning calories hours after training. Make up your mind, at the end of your race, to do 2 more minutes “at the top”, then rest, your body will continue working for a long time.

5. Break the routine

Incorporate new elements into your race: try running with weights, a hard climb up the hill, some explosive exercises (jumps, knee raises, heels to the buttocks …) thus, you will lose weight by running.

6. Includes other aerobic activities

Combining running with other aerobic sports, that is, opting for a cross training for runners, with other activities such as cycling or swimming is really effective to lose kilos. You can practice them on alternate days and, if you prefer to do them at the same time, let the race be the last activity included in that combined training.

7. Remember the importance of rest

Not by running daily for hours will you be closer to your goal. Two – three days a week is enough. Your muscles need to recover to train with more energy in the next session. Exhausting yourself (or falling into an injury) early is not the best idea.


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