The 5 essential mindfulness guidelines for runners

The 5 essential mindfulness guidelines for runners

Did you know that mindfulness can be applied for runners? You are right! And, in addition, achieving it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance, but simply by following a series of guidelines you will begin to notice the benefits of this healthy practice.

The 5 essential mindfulness guidelines for runners

Mindfulness is a method that provides us with a large number of benefits both mentally and physically and, for this reason, it has now been discovered that it can also be applied directly when we practice exercise such as running, for example.

In addition to the reasons why you should meditate after exercising, we are going to discover the 5 essential mindfulness guidelines for runners that you have to start practicing to enjoy a much healthier and beneficial sport for you.

What is the relationship between mindfulness and sport?

Mindfulness is a mental practice that focuses on trying to clear the mind and focus on the present moment, on the “here and now.” It is a custom from eastern countries to improve well-being and that, little by little, is being introduced into our society, having, every time, and a greater presence.

Now, a direct relationship has been established between this meditative practices related to physical exercise. In fact, there are already people who practice what is known as “moving meditation” and, in this case, it would be very similar with the essential difference that a state of meditation is reached thanks to the practice of running.

What do you think about when you run?

This is the basic question you have to ask yourself to understand that you can relate mindfulness to runners. While we exercise it is possible that our mind focuses on breathing, pulsations, physical work … But, also, it is possible that your mind wanders since, in the long run, the training becomes something mechanical, almost automatic. Therefore, below we are going to offer you the 5 essential mindfulness guidelines for runners that will help you control your mind while exercising.

1. The importance of breathing

Focusing your attention on your breaths is a good way to start relating mindfulness to runners. This is the foundation on which meditative practices hang and that will help you achieve your goals while you are running. With this simple method you will be able to do sports in a conscious way and concentrating on your physical condition.

2. Observe the environment

Another of the tricks to be able to practice mindfulness while running and motivate yourself to go running is that, instead of looking at the landscape, you observe it carefully. And, in fact, if you run outdoors you have the advantage that you do it in an open space and outdoors. Therefore, if you choose to run outdoors instead of on a treadmill, it is interesting that, in addition to running, you do a contemplative activity to observe where you are walking and what is around you.

3. Spirit of self-improvement

You have to impress a mantra in your mind: “Wanting is power.” If you want to achieve something, you can do it and, therefore, just like every time you train you get new marks, if you start with mindfulness you can also improve. We know that, at first, it can be difficult to maintain concentration and control your mind, but you will see that over time you will be more in control of your impulses and your thoughts.

4. Running at night is great for mindfulness

Another of the essential guidelines of mindfulness for runners is that you go out to practice running at night. During the night hours, concentration becomes more intense thanks to the fact that the stimuli are reduced and, therefore, the environment will help you to relax your mind much more easily than during the day.

5. Think about your strengths

And, finally, another of the ideal exercises that you can do to unite mindfulness with sport is to think about what your strengths are. By focusing your attention on your potentials, you will be able to put aside negative thinking and build a stronger, more optimistic and courageous “I”.


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