Did you know that with oatmeal you can prepare softening cream for the hair? It’s very easy, very fast, very inexpensive and, best of all, without animal testing and without ingredients of animal

With only two ingredients and in a very short time you can prepare a vegan hair softening cream. But this is not the only thing … With this recipe, in addition to softening your hair at the time of application, you will be treating it, since oats have multiple properties, both for the hair fiber and for the scalp.
From a nutritional point of view, oats are a cereal that stands out for its richness in fiber, slow-absorbing carbohydrates, proteins and glutamic acid.
Once ingested, with a rich muesli, for example, glutamic acid is transformed by the body into the amino acid glutamine, very beneficial for hair because it promotes the formation of keratin and collagen, two essential elements for the formation and growth of hair and body tissues.
It also contains minerals (such as calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, magnesium), vitamin E, and B vitamins, which are also involved in hair development.
But for hair care we are especially interested in its mucilages. What are mucilages? and what do they do to your hair?
Mucilages are a type of fiber that is present in some vegetables (flax, chia, agar, oats) and that works as a natural thickener. In the case of oats, the mucilages also have softening properties.
The essential difference between the mucilages of flax or chia compared to those of oats, is that in the first two, when hydrated, they acquire a more gelatinous consistency, while in the case of oats, when mixed with starch, they offer a creamy texture.
It’s easy to filter mucilage out of oats and get a substance similar to commercial skin softeners and masks, but without the long list of petroleum-based ingredients, many of which are harmful.
Oatmeal water is the liquid resulting from cooking rolled oats in water. It is rich in mucilage and starches that soothe the scalp and soften the hair. To make it at home you need:
- 3 tablespoons oatmeal
- 3 glasses of water
- A fine strainer or a stocking
- A glass jar with a lid
- First, soak the oatmeal for a couple of minutes. You will see that it releases a kind of foam, made up largely of saponins that drag dirt from the hair. Therefore, if we made a homemade shampoo, we would not rinse the oats so as not to lose this component.
- Put the oatmeal and the three glasses of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes or until the water acquires a creamy texture.
- With the help of a strainer (or stocking) filter the cream obtained, let it temper and… voila! your softening cream is ready to use.
- You can add a few drops (maximum 3) of lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) to give it regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, bactericidal and soothing properties. Lavender is suitable for all skin types and leaves a mild scent.
The cost of this effective, natural and homemade fabric softener does not reach 1 euro. Does it seem extremely inexpensive to you? Me too!
If you liked the fabric softener, you will also like to prepare a dry shampoo. It has happened to all of us that we do not have the time or possibility to wash our hair when we need it. On these occasions it is very useful to have a dry shampoo on hand. You will need to:
- 2 tablespoons oat flakes
- 2 tablespoons of baking soda
- A blender, grinder, or coffee grinder
- A container with a lid
- Add the oatmeal to the blender and beat until powdery.
- Once you have achieved the texture of the flour, put it in the jar where you are going to store it, add the two tablespoons of baking soda and shake well. You already have your dry shampoo.
- To use it, you just have to apply it to the scalp, massage it gently for a couple of minutes and then brush it off. You will see your hair lighter, less greasy, clean.
Baking soda absorbs excess oil and bad odors (it is also antimicrobial), while oatmeal will prevent the hair fiber from drying out and will soothe irritation on the scalp.