Detox waters: 8 tips to prepare them and get all their benefits

Detox waters 8 tips to prepare them and get all their benefits

Detox, flavored or aromatic waters can be prepared at home and are an attractive and healthy drink. We explain what you need and how to prepare them to obtain the best results.

Detox waters 8 tips to prepare them and get all their benefits

We love to socialize with a drink in hand, but it is not necessary to fall into the tyranny of sugary sodas, beers or any type of alcohol. We have more and more alternatives to take care of ourselves and enjoy natural drinks such as coconut water, homemade juices, infusions of all kinds, kombucha and … homemade aromatic waters or detox waters.

They are the modern version of the lemonades of the grandmothers, but with more colors and variety. They receive many names such as “detox waters” (from “detox water”), “flavored waters”, “flavored waters” or “infused waters” and it is simply a water-based drink in which pieces of fruits and vegetables float. , herbs or spices that give flavor and spark to the whole.


  • They are much healthier than any conventional soft drink, not only due to the absence of sugars and sweeteners, but also because the fruits and company provide their active ingredients, which are diluted in the water.
  • They are recommended in weight control diets as they are much lighter than juices because you do not consume the fruit.
  • They are fully customizable in ingredients, intensity of flavor, color or presence of gas.
  • They can be taken away from home and there are jugs, bottles and thermos with infusion accessories to make it easier and more comfortable to drink.
  • They are very refreshing in summer.
  • They can liven up any summer meeting and be the protagonists of the event. More and more dispensing devices are seen in healthy premises or in gardens, terraces and private rooms.


Although the elaboration does not carry any mystery, keep in mind these 8 tips to succeed with your flavored waters:

  1. Do not start by preparing several liters at once because if the result disappoints you, it will be a shame to throw it away. For the “trial and error or success” you can start with a liter and if you like the final flavor, you can increase it without problems.
  2. Citrus fruits are used with their peel and there is a risk of bitterness. Be careful with the quantity and use organic products as they are free of pesticide residues and waxes on the skin.
  3. Let your imagination fly: strawberries, apples, oranges, peaches, kiwi, blackberries, blueberries, watermelon, pineapple, coconut slices, cucumber … Herbs or aromatic plants such as mint, basil, coriander, ginger are also allowed; flowers such as lavender, hibiscus, fresh or dried rose petals; or spices like cinnamon stick or vanilla bean.
  4. The water can be filled up to three times a day with the same content.
  5. The resting and infusing time varies according to the ingredients and personal tastes, but in general a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 2 days is advisable.
  6. One option is to prepare the aromatic water the evening before and leave it overnight in the fridge so that the next day it is fresh and flavored.
  7. If you want a more subtle flavor, you need large slices, but if you are looking for intensity, chop the fruit into small pieces.
  8. In addition to natural mineral water or filtered water, you can use or add sparkling water, coconut water or previously prepared teas and infusions.


And since we bet on these natural and healthy drinks, let’s serve them in the right containers and free of toxic substances.

The crystal the protagonist. In the market we find a wide variety of jugs and bottles of different sizes and accessories (with handles, with opening for straws, with strainer or infusion) and even dispensers from 3 to 8 liters to refresh many friends.

These glass dispensers can be placed vertically on a table or horizontally to keep drinks cold on the shelf of the refrigerator and are very convenient to use because they have a tap and each person can be served to taste.

Filled with colorful ingredients, these containers are a great bet at social gatherings because they decorate, become the center of attention, and naturally encourage conversations.

To continue with the philosophy of avoiding single-use plastics, you can also resort to ecological straws made of safe materials, free of BPA and phthalates. They are made of glass, steel, titanium or silicone, which are reusable and others made of paper, rye or bamboo, which are compostable and biodegradable.


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