They have been used for a long time in different types of training, but they are more fashionable than ever. The sliding discs tone the muscles and help shape the figure. Include them in your exercise routine to keep fit and improve your balance and coordination of movements.

How to train with sliding discs?
These thin discs, made of soft and resistant fabric, can be placed on the hands and feet to perform different movements that work all muscle groups. It is what is also known as gliding training and consists of doing the exercises in a different way, with the added difficulty that our hands and feet slide while we do them.
It’s fun to incorporate into your training at home, but also tremendously effective because toning the body with sliding discs involves engaging in intense cardio activity that not only burns a significant amount of calories, but also increases overall strength and agility.
If you train with gliding discs or sliding discs, you work with your own weight, without impact (you don’t take your feet off the ground) and you don’t need any accessories other than the gliding’s themselves. You can do a multitude of exercises, some very simple and others that involve some difficulty. In any case, it is an ideal activity for both beginners and for people who train regularly and want to vary their routines.
Exercises with sliding discs to strengthen the muscles
Arms without flaccidity, firm buttocks, well contoured legs and without accumulated fat, core like a rock … Training with sliding discs gives excellent results if the goal is to lose but and tone.
You have to remember that as in any other training a good warm-up is important. Also, you should start with basic gliding exercises until you have mastered the gliding technique. Balance is essential to avoid ending up on the ground. Start with gentle movements and gradually increase the difficulty. The movements should be short and fast.
Among the exercises with sliding discs that should not be missing in your routine are:
1. Scissors. Standing with your legs slightly apart and stepping on a disc with each of your feet, make earwigs. Forward one leg first, return to the starting position, and then advance the second. It seems very easy but it is about doing it as fast as you can. Try, also to move forward as if you were walking (always with your feet on the discs). If you notice, that movement is reminiscent of what skaters do. You can complete the exercise by doing side slits. Open and close your legs quickly. Easy and effective!
2. Opening of arms in plank position. Lying face down doing the plank, place the discs in your hands, which should be at the height of your shoulders. Try to spread your arms as far as you can and return to the starting position. It is a really hard slide disc exercise but great for toning your arms. If the plank is difficult for you, you can do it with your knees supported.
3. Stride. Excellent for working your legs and increasing your balance and coordination. In an upright position, with a disc on each foot, stride, bringing one of your legs forward until the knee is bent so that it forms a 90º angle. The other leg should be extended. Hold on, return to the starting position, and switch legs.
4. The climber. Tone all of your muscles with this exercise with “gliding” discs. In a climber position (face down, leaning on your outstretched arms and on your toes), place the discs under your feet and perform the “climber” movement, that is, pick up one knee, bringing it to the chest, then stretch and do the same with the other Always with quick movements. With the discs, the difficulty of the exercise increases and its results, too.
5. Squat with straight leg. Standing, with your legs slightly apart, descend doing the squat while stretching one leg laterally (always with the discs). Return to the starting position and change legs trying, at all times, to maintain balance.