Oily, dry, thin or thick skin? What to eat in each case?

Oily, dry, thin or thick skin What to eat in each case

The secret of youthful, smooth and luminous skin lies within the body. We must give the skin the nutrients it needs according to its characteristics.

Oily, dry, thin or thick skin What to eat in each case

If there is an organ that faithfully explains the state of health of our body at its deepest level, the care we take with food and physical exercise, that organ is the skin.

The surface of the adult human body, which can measure almost 2 square meters in size, shows the general state of health, and the practice of simple care can restore its beauty. Ultimately, every cosmetic treatment begins by addressing health.

The application of substances on the skin is a very important and useful supplement to restore skin health, although total success also depends on the daily diet and the consumption of vitamin and mineral nutrients. Dietary habits influence the improvement of the state of the epidermis and these depend on each type of skin. Let’s see, then, some tips suitable for the most common types of skin.


This type of skin, which when pinched on the forearm feels like tissue paper, reacts very sensitively to sunlight and can present small wrinkles in the areas where it is thinner.

The causes of this type of skin can be: a diet low in fat, a shortage of vitamins and mineralssmoking, and a shortage of essential nutrients due to improper diets or diseases such as diabetes or chronic diarrhea.

  • In these cases, it is advisable to take a large intake of water, and not avoid too much salt just with the intention that the body can retain a certain amount of water.
  • It is recommended to take steamed tubers (potatoes, carrots, turnips, etc.) to make them easier to digest and assimilate, and to consume plenty of fruits.


People with oily skin tend to have profuse perspiration, and sweat mostly in the upper half of the body (face, neck and trunk).

Possible causes are: a diet with too much fattoo much sweets or too many dairy products. It can also appear when eating very large and heavy meals at night or when raw foods are abused, whether cold or frozen.

  • In these cases, it is necessary to avoid fats in the diet and refined sweets, opt for slow-absorbing whole-grain carbohydrates (rice, oatmeal, etc.) and eat few dairy products.
  • Another important advice concerns the quantity: it is preferable to have breakfast and eat well, and to have an early dinner and little quantity, then the opposite. In addition, in these cases, it is better to consume hot or warm food and drinks, and avoid an excess of raw food.


This group includes people whose skin is thick, even in some areas more than others, irregular, dry and may present areas of seborrhea.

For this type of skin, it is best to tone the elimination function of the body, especially the intestine.

  • Taking apples and pears daily (preferably organic, with their skin), whole grains, and doing physical exercise that causes sweating, are fundamental measures. It can help to have brown rice with vegetables at least twice a week, and moderate consumption of spices such as pepper or ginger.
  • In addition, it is good to train the cutaneous blood vessels with alternate showers (hot and cold), in order to tone blood circulation and regain skin tension.
  • Finally, it is important to wear the right clothes for the time of year, not too sparse in winter, not too warm in spring and summer.


This type of skin overreacts to heat and cold, the sun and allergens. Therefore, the person tends to suffer from itching and irritations.

  • In these cases, there are several food groups to avoid: those with a sour taste (sweet and sour pickles, tomatoes, wine, citrus fruits), seafood, red meat, red fish, coffee, and drinks with theine and caffeine.
  • In addition, the advice recommended in point 1 for thin and dry skin apply.


It is the type of skin that many smokers have, that is, “prematurely aged” skin. It can also be seen in people who follow a diet that is too low in fat, or too rich in substances with a diuretic effect (including coffee, tea, and alcohol).

In these cases, it is essential to correct dietary errors and above all to stop smoking. If the person continues to smoke, the skin will not be able to improve. You can also humidify the air with foggers or by placing indoor plants at home.

  • The water supply is important: you have to drink water regularly and evenly throughout the day.
  • Take enough salt (unless you have high blood pressure), to retain a minimum of body water, and avoid foods considered “hot” (such as highly spicy dishes, lamb, beef or alcohol).


It appears mainly on the face, neck, neckline and upper part of the back. It may be related to a toxic overload and more or less chronic constipation.

Skin hygiene is essential in this type of case. Makeup blocks pores and makes the problem worse. You can do, in the morning and in the evening, a steam bath or facial sauna and then apply a mild moisturizer.

  • It is necessary to drink more water than usual, not very cold (even warm), as it improves circulation.
  • A diet free of sweets, chocolate and dairy products helps; You have to do aerobic exercise that makes you perspire well, and combat constipation (eating whole grains, or two teaspoons of flax seeds for breakfast).
  • The Bach flower “wild apple” is indicated to cleanse the skin and intestines. Tea tree essential oil 5% (local use) improves it significantly.


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