5 useful indications to start a Spinning class

5 useful indications to start a Spinning class

The spinning is an intense workout that focuses on both cardiovascular activity, and increase endurance. Especially if you are a beginner, take into account these previous tips to prepare for the spinning class because it depends on them to obtain the maximum benefit from pedaling, avoiding any type of injury.

5 useful indications to start a Spinning class

A spinning session lasts about 45 minutes in which the body works together with special emphasis on the lower body. To the rhythm of the music, the class is divided into three parts: a previous warm- up, a central part, in which rhythm changes are made in pedaling and also in posture and a last stretch of decreasing cadence to recover beats, adapt the organism at the end of the activity.

It is important to know your own physical form and discuss with the coach the existence of any injury to avoid that this hard training can aggravate it. In addition, there are a series of indications that you should take into account before spinning class.

Keys to a good Spinning workout

Properly regulating the Spinning bike, getting into the correct posture, wearing the right equipment and being clear about how the session is going to go are some of the important details before starting the intense pedaling that spinning involves. Find out how to prepare your first Spinning class below:

  1. Handlebar and saddle height. For the exercise to be effective and healthy, you cannot start the session without first checking that the bike adapts perfectly to your constitution. The saddle should be at hip height (check by standing next to the bike). Also position the handlebar so that it is comfortable for you, without being too high or low, forcing your posture when pedaling. Ideally, between the saddle and the handlebar there is a distance equivalent to the measurement of your forearm.
  2. Basic equipment. By practicing spinning you burn a large amount of calories. Wear comfortable clothes that are immediately drying so that sweat does not adhere to your body. Also, always have a towel on hand to remove its excess and a bottle of water, because being well hydrated before, during and after exercise, is essential. Drinking small sips of water every 10-15 minutes of riding is a basic measure to avoid dehydration.
  3. Posture on the bike. Before starting the session, take a few minutes to find the correct posture. Your spine should be as aligned as possible, your shoulders slightly down so as not to “roll over” on the handlebars and your feet straight on the pedals, trying to always be parallel with the ground to push down, not forward. Remember, also, that your knee should not exceed the tip of the foot with each pedal stroke.
  4. Pre warming. As in any other sport, it is important to do some stretches that prepare our muscles and joints for the effort that we are going to make. You can’t get to the gym, get on your bike and start pedaling to the max. Warming up and starting the activity at a gentle pace is one of the keys to a good workout before spinning.
  5. Measure intensity. The heart rate monitor is very useful in this type of training to control the heart rate at all times and know when to reduce the intensity. If you do not have it, you will have to follow the instructions of the coach who will know how to alternate the different cadences in pedaling.

If you are going to attend your first Spinning class, taking into account these simple measures before doing spinning, you will be able to carry out a training appropriate to your abilities, improving marks in each new session.


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